Ironies of pregnancy

(Not mine, found it on google image search)

When you are pregnant the first time, it’s exciting and you get so swept away in planning and reading and the baby showers, that you don’t focus as much on what’s going on with you.

But the second time around, you are completely aware that pregnancy is a really weird experience, feels somewhat cruel at times!

Here are some examples:

  • You are always hungry or craving food but for most of the pregnancy you are either suffering heartburn or indigestion.
  • You should be drinking litres of water but your bladder has shrunk to the size of a pea so you basically live in there bathroom.
  • You are always tired but sleep is hard to come by (read above mentioned bathroom trips along with pelvic pain and finding a good position and being able to breathe).
  • The lack of sleep makes you crave copious amounts of caffeine which you are not allowed to have.
  • Your lack of energy makes toddler care challenging and after a long day, there is no wine o’clock.
  • You can’t bend down and grab things easily and you are at your clumsiest best!
  • You should stay active but with zero energy and the ridiculous pace, you take twice the time to get there.
  • You have great skin and hair when pregnant but rarely the energy to go anywhere (especially true for a second pregnancy).

Did I miss anything? Feel free to add to the list 🙂

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